
I really owe you all a post. I'm so sorry I'm such an inconsistent writer! However, you already knew that, and apparently still read this blog anyways, so thanks for putting up with me. ;)

Here is a quick recap of my past few weeks:
1. I went to see my sister and brother-in-law and their kids for a few days -- LOVED IT!
2. Loft, "little sister" to Ann Taylor, has instigated an ongoing relationship with me- I now am one of their part-time sales associates :D <3 <3 <3
3. The above statement means that I have been working for 2 1/2 weeks, in between part and full-time for Ann Taylor Loft, and have realized the joys and sorrows of having a schedule created for you by another person.
5. My brother Joey and his wife and their little boy came over twice last week, and we had a blast :)
4. Because I have been so busy trying to see family and getting a job and keeping a job and figuring out college, I missed my first CLEP test [govt] of the month and had to reschedule. I am now taking it this friday.
5. Next week, I am taking American Lit. and College Math.
6. The week after, I am taking British Lit.
7. If I am still alive after all these tests, I am going to see Owl City in Concert [Lord willing]!!!!!!

So, here is my list of things to do before June 14th [the concert]:

1. Show up to work at least 5 minutes before time, every time.

2. Create a budget.

3. Study and pass Govt, Amer. Lit, Col. Math. & Brit. Lit. with a good score on each.

4. Continue running 3+ mi a week. Try to add some weights in between, for good balance.

5. Edit pictures of my friend's baby's baptism. [so cute!]

6. Send checks to Kate.

7. Write letters back to Megan, Courtney and Katie. [sorry girls!]

8. Get transcripts from CLEP when done with these 4 tests.

9. Tune and begin again with cello.

10. Try to at least semi- master an ok French pronunciation.

11. Remember to breathe and focus not just on what God is doing in my life, but on Him.

Sadly, blogging did not make it into the list this time.

I will try to post again soon, with pictures :)

au revoir!