be realistic. pray for a miracle.

thanks Johnny. I love my brother. Sitting here with him, discussing my future. He says I have too much on my plate, to narrow it down to 3 or 4 per 3 or 4 weeks. So here goes something.

March 09 (or rather, this last week):
- Finish God and Govt series
- Buy SAT prep online course

April 09:
- Chemistry
- SAT prep online course
- sign up for GED

May 09:
- college Applications
*book list

sound any more reasonable?

so far, I have completed:
- Signing up for the SAT
- buying the notebook, working on college lists
- with 2 lessons left, SAT prep VOCAB


Megan said...

Don't you just love brothers; I do! That sounds like a doable schedule! Love you Mercy.


Megan said...

Don't you just love brothers; I do! That sounds like a doable schedule! Love you Mercy.
