charlie <3

so in August, i went to go hang out with my brother (Joey) and his wife (Jen) and their baby, Charlie! :] Charlie just turned 8 months old a couple days ago-- praise the Lord! He, i must say, has the bluest eyes of any baby ive ever seen! (and believe me, ive seen a lot ;) ) so i thought i would post some of the pics i took of him, and of him and his daddy, on here to celebrate that :] (plus i just need to catch up on my pic posts)


however oppositely i seem, i am not at all a confident person. i dont trust well, and yet i do at the same time. Its confusing when i type it, but i know what i mean, which is mainly what matters at the moment. I know, and God knows :]
My parents are the strongholds that i run to when i need support. they and my siblings help me as i mature towards adulthood, and i am continually grateful for them. But what is it in a person that makes it so difficult to trust? is it purely a sinful nature? or is it because we know our own faults that it makes it frustrating and a trial to trust to someone else whom we also know deals with sin?
Tomorrow morning we leave for VA, and i am anxious. Under normal circumstances (then again, no circumstance seems to fit the term "normal") i would be exuberant and jumping for joy, but now i am just waiting for a phone call, a txt, or something! having not heard from this person in almost 2 weeks since the now-outstanding question, my already painfully small amount of patience is running thin, and those around me are having to suffer me jumping each time a phone rings, staring into space while in the midst of setting the table, so on and so forth. I know , I know that the call may never come, and it needs to not be such a big issue. but it is, and that knowledge isnt computing to my subconsious. *sigh* i have a very long way to go before i become what i should be as a Preacher's daughter, especially one so revered by others as my father is. Not to mention how much further i have before i become as sanctified as my Heavenly Father demands. One thing i cant wait for heaven-- i wont have to worry about not trusting fully!! Only at night do i let these thoughts come to the front of my mind for more than a few moments. ...... maybe i should go to bed earlier........

well, i do need to finish packing- just needed to think this through, and type out my thoughts. goodnight and may God be with you!

b.c He Lives and Reigns

><> me <><

long time

its been a very long time since i last blogged on here, nothing much has changed (except me, but thats on a different day). Uncle Hugh has come back! praise the Lord for His undeniable mercies in every area of life :] since then, his new wife and youngest son have become Christians as well. Having the whole family again is one of the greatest blessings this year. Mom and dad had a fantastic time in Scotland with the Vision Forum people-- the pictures are incredible! Some day, if the Lord so blesses, i hope to travel to all 50 states, and almost everywhere in Europe, just to start.
I still have 2 highschool courses to finish up, 3 if you count the last 2 chapters of Trig. I know i could have completed all this last year, if i had really put forth the effort, but i dont really mind. However this year my goal is to be done with Chemistry for sure by the end of January. What with Dad's upcoming knee surgeries maybe this will give our whole family a spell at home, to really finish this place up and make it how we want it. Cello is going well, though one of our new songs in orchestra-- i think the composer must have had it out for cellists. maybe he dated one, and they had a bad falling out when he wrote this. or maybe he just hates strings in general, though for the life of me i cant figure out why he would be writing orchestral compositions then. ... i dunno, just a theory. Aunt Judy wrote a new song, called the Myspace song, lots of fun to sing, and the message is very to the point. i cant wait to make a youtube video for it, and get it out to the world :D I hope the Lord will use it to get the message across to other Christian young people about how the world really does watch everything we do and what we say, even online and to our friends.
i feel as though i could be doing more with my photography, but im unsure as to the next step i need to take. i would love to make this a "career" as i can do photography and still be a stay-home wife and mother (someday! ) when i grow up, and good photography will never become obsolete. I love Ric Ergenbrights work, as a Christian photographer, he is one of my inspirations. I am surrounded by all these incredible photographers in my friends, how can i make it in the art world?? The Lord has the answers so im just trusting in Him.
Well, today is Drama Class with Mrs Minkoff-- im so glad my 2 best friends are doing drama this year as well!!!!!! hoorah!!!!!! Tomorrow we leave for Abingdon, Va for a wedding. and who knows whats going to happen next week-- its in His Hands.

need to run, ttyl Lord willing
